Documentario, page 7

Maradona - La morte di un D10 (2021)
Il Migliore. Marco Pantani (2021)
Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts (2022)
Laurent Garnier: Off the Record (2021)
Underwater - Federica Pellegrini (2022)
C'è un soffio di vita soltanto (2021)
Convergence: il coraggio nella crisi (2021)
A Spark Story (2021)
CIA vs. Bin Laden: First In (2021)
9/11: Inside the President's War Room (2021)
Untold - Rissa in NBA (2021)
Shiny_Flakes: teenager narcotrafficante (2021)
The Origins of AIDS (2004)
Star Trek: ritorno al futuro (2013)
Clive Davis: The Soundtrack of Our Lives (2017)
Untold: Crimes & Penalties (2021)
Untold - Patto con il diavolo (2021)
Untold: Breaking Point (2021)
Untold: Caitlyn Jenner (2021)
Britney contro Spears (2021)
I re della truffa (2021)
Camp Confidential: nazisti in America (2021)
Nazis on Drugs: Hitler and the Blitzkrieg (2019)
Star Trek: The Journey to the Silver Screen (2016)
Blood Brothers: Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali (2021)
Covid-19 (2021)
John Lennon: Love is All You Need (2010)
The Colours Of Infinity (1995)
11 Settembre 2001 - Inganno Globale (2006)
George W. Bush: The 9/11 Interview (2011)
Attack of the Hollywood Clichés! (2021)
Maradona - Morte di un campione (2021)